Known as [weather vane" and [barometer" of Chinaforeign trade, the first session of the 115th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) ended inGuangzhouon April 19th. As the most important exhibition platform ofChinaimport and export commodities, Canton Fair plays an irreplaceable role in terms of information exchange. The products Aolan exhibited at this fair with professional design and nice shape attracted customers attention, including mobile series.AD media units and other products . Showing great interest in Aolan evaporative air cooler(swamp cooler or desert cooler) , many customers stopped to watch and have a consultation about the coolers. Aolan staff gave them warm reception, and provided them a live demo of the cooling effect of Aolan evaporative air coolers, as well as introduced the working principles, advantages, characteristics and project cases of the coolers in details, which got good responses on site and reached some preliminary agreements.Flashing led module for pop display
Flashing Led Module, Led Display Flasher, Led Flash Modules
AST Industry Co.,LTD ,